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[3] P. Pedeferri, Corrosione e protezione dei materiali metallici, CLUP, Milano, 1978.
[4] UK Concrete Society, Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement, Berkshire, UK, 1998.
[5] UNI-ENV 1992, Design of Concrete Structures [Progettazione delle Strutture di Calcestruzzo] (EU2); UNI-ENV 1998, Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of Structures [Indicazioni progettuali per la resistenza sismica delle strutture] (EU8).
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[7] JIS G4321, Stainless Steel for Building Structure, Japanese Industrial Standard, 2000. Vedi anche H. Aoki, Jornal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 54, 2000.
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[9] Euro Inox, Life Cycle Costing and Stainless Steels. Case Study – River Crossing Highway Bridge, Zurich, Switzerland, 1997.
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[12] D. Peckner, I. M. Bernstein, Handbook of Stainless Steels, Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1977.
[13] UNI-EN 10088-3, Acciai inossidabili, parte 3: condizioni tecniche di fornitura dei semilavorati, barre, vergelle e profilati per impeghi generali, 1997.
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[16] AA.VV., Metals Handbook, Vol. 9 – Metallography and Microstructures, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 1985.
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